Constitution of Nepal

  1. Constitution of Nepal Table of contents
  3. PART 1 - Preliminary
  4. PART 2 - Citizenship
  5. PART 3 - Fundamental Rights and Duties
  6. PART 4 - Directive Principles, Policies and Responsibilities of the State
  7. PART 5 - Restructuring of the State and the distribution of State power
  8. PART 6 - President and vice-President
  9. PART 7 - Federal Executive
  10. PART 8 - Federal PARLIAMENT
  11. PART 9 - Federal Legislative Procedure
  12. PART 10 - Federal Financial Procedures
  13. PART 11 - Judiciary
  14. PART 12 - Attorney General
  15. PART 13 - Provincial Executive
  16. PART 14 - Provincial Legislature
  17. PART 15 - Provincial Legislative Procedure
  18. PART 16 - Financial Procedures of Province
  19. PART- 17 - Local Executive
  20. PART 18 - Local Legislature
  21. PART 19 - Local Financial Procedure
  22. PART 20 - Interrelationship between the FEDERATIONS, Provinces and local levels
  23. PART 21 - Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority
  24. PART 22 - Auditor General
  25. PART 23 - Public Service Commission
  26. PART 24 - Election Commission
  27. PART 25 - National Human Rights Commission
  28. PART 26 - National Natural Resources and Fiscal Commission
  29. PART 27 - National Women Commission
  30. PART 28 - National Dalit Commission
  31. PART 29 - National Inclusion Commission
  32. PART 30 - Provision regarding National Security
  33. PART 31 - Provision relating to Political Parties
  34. PART 32 - Emergency Powers
  35. PART 33 - Amendment of the Constitution
  36. PART 34 - Miscellaneous
  37. PART 35 - Transitional Provisions
  38. PART 36 - Definitions and Interpretations
  39. PART 37 - Short title, Commencement and repeal
  40. SCHEDULE 1 - Method of Making the National Flag of Nepal
  41. SCHEDULE 2 - National Anthem of Nepal
  42. SCHEDULE 3 - Coat of Arms of Nepal
  44. SCHEDULE 6 - List of Provincial Powers/Jurisdiction
  45. SCHEDULE 5 - List of Federal Power
  46. SCHEDULE 7 - List of Concurrent (federal and provincial) Powers/Jurisdiction
  47. SCHEDULE 8 - List of Powers/Jurisdiction for Local Level
  48. SCHEDULE 9 - List of concurrent Powers/Jurisdiction for federations, provincial and Local Level